Snæfell T-shirt Unisex
4,193 ISK 5,990 ISK
The Snæfell t-shirt is a high-quality stretchy t-shirt made of organic cotton. The T-shirt has a print on the front with a drawing of Snæfellsjökull and our slogan.
The Snæfell t-shirt is a high-quality stretchy t-shirt made of organic cotton. The T-shirt has a print on the front with a drawing of Snæfellsjökull and our slogan.
- Hágæða teygjanleg lífræn bómull
- Prent að framan með mynd af Snæfellsjökli
- Hágæða lógómerki á ermi
- Venjulegt snið
- Efni: 95% lífræn bómull, 5% teygjuefni
- 30°C
- Notið ekki bleikiefni
- Notið ekki mýkingarefni
- Má setja í þurrkara á lágum hita
- Má ekki setja í hreinsun
- Þvoið með svipuðum litum
We offer free home delivery if you order for ISK. 10,000 or more. You can choose to be sent by Post or TVG Express. If you live in the capital city area and order before 12, you can choose to have same-day home delivery with TVG Express. Orders sent by Post take 1-3 days to reach the recipient. For more information about shipping, see here.
If you live outside of Iceland, your order will be shipped by DHL. Note that shipping costs are free if you order for ISK. 20,000 or more from abroad. For orders under ISK. 20,000 is the shipping cost ISK. 6000
The submission deadline is January 31, 2024. For more information on submission, see here.
- Fyrirsætan er 180 cm á hæð og er í stræð M
- Hefðbundnar stærðir, pantið ykkar venjulegu stærð

We help you get out there and experience the world. Our designs start with the demands of the Icelandic
environment and we use technical materials, carefully crafted to create a modern, stylish look.
A look that can take you around the cities and natural wonders of the world. Without compromising on
style, our clothes adapt to the urban playground or your next encounter out in nature.c

The Snæfell t-shirt is a high-quality stretchy t-shirt made of organic cotton. The T-shirt has a print on the front with a drawing of Snæfellsjökull and our slogan.