Get wet Rainwear
Men's Wet Rain Pants
17,000 ISK 34,990 ISK
The wet rain pants are high quality pants made from recycled material. The two-layer Diamondium™ material developed by ZO•ON is waterproof, windproof and has exceptionally good breathability, so you can be sure of being well protected against the weather. The wet rain pants are designed for hiking, golfing or any time you need to stay dry. So get out and enjoy the outdoors - whatever the weather. Please note that the belt in the picture is not included with the pants.
The wet rain pants are high quality pants made from recycled material. The two-layer Diamondium™ material developed by ZO•ON is waterproof, windproof and has exceptionally good breathability, so you can be sure of being well protected against the weather. The wet rain pants are designed for hiking, golfing or any time you need to stay dry. So get out and enjoy the outdoors - whatever the weather. Please note that the belt in the picture is not included with the pants.
- 20.000 mm. vatnshelt tveggja laga Diamondium ytra byrði með límdum saumum
- 40.000 gr. útöndun
- Fóðraðar buxur
- Franskur rennilás í mitti sem hægt er að þrengja
- Rennilás á skálmum
- Teygjur neðst á skálmum sem hægt er að þrengja
- Efni: 55% Pólýester, 45% Endurunnið Pólýester
- 30°C
- Notið ekki blettahreinsi
- Notið ekki mýkingarefni
- Má setja í þurrkara á lágum hita - hámark 60°C
- Setjið ekki í hreinsun
- Þvoið með svipuðum litum
- Lokið öllum rennilásum
- Þvoið á röngunni
- Setjið í þurrkara eftir þvott til að viðhalda vatnsfráhrindandi eiginleikum sem best
- Þvoið flíkina reglulega með þvottaefni sem er ætlað fyrir vatnsheldan útivistarfatnað til að viðhalda vatnsheldni.
We offer free home delivery if you order for ISK. 10,000 or more. You can choose to be sent by Post or TVG Express. If you live in the capital city area and order before 12, you can choose to have same-day home delivery with TVG Express. Orders sent by Post take 1-3 days to reach the recipient. For more information about shipping, see here.
If you live outside of Iceland, your order will be shipped by DHL. Note that shipping costs are free if you order for ISK. 20,000 or more from abroad. For orders under ISK. 20,000 is the shipping cost ISK. 6000
The submission deadline is January 31, 2024. For more information on submission, see here.
- Fyrirsætan er 186 cm á hæð og er í stærð L
- Hefðbundnar stærðir

Þessar buxur eru með mestu vatnsheldnina í línunni okkar (20.000 mm) svo það er öruggt að þær halda þér þurrum. Vertu viss um að viðhalda vatnsheldninni með því að fylgja þvottaleiðbeiningum okkar.

Buxurnar eru með einstaklega góða útöndun (40.000 gr. á sólarhring) við miðlungs til mikla hreyfingu.

Recycled fabric
Our Bleyta pants are waterproof, breathable, windproof, and made from recycled fabric. These shell pants are perfect for any adventure with quality materials and an extremely comfortable fit. Perfect for hiking, mountain biking, skiing, golfing, and any other outdoor activities.

The wet rain pants are high quality pants made from recycled material. The two-layer Diamondium™ material developed by ZO•ON is waterproof, windproof and has exceptionally good breathability, so you can be sure of being well protected against the weather. The wet rain pants are designed for hiking, golfing or any time you need to stay dry. So get out and enjoy the outdoors - whatever the weather. Please note that the belt in the picture is not included with the pants.